Monday 7 July 2014

4 Things that Make a Successful Twitter Contest

Posted by Cosmos Star Consultant on 00:11 with No comments

Everybody loves a good contest and the anticipation of winning. Twitter is no exception. Holding a contest on Twitter leads to instant engagement on your brand page.

1.    The Hashtag
The hashtag for a Twitter contest is the primary way in which the audience will interact with your brand. The hashtag, hence, needs to be creative, fun, spunky and something that the audience will like contributing to. It is a good idea for the hashtag to include your brand name, or your contest giveaway or a bigger cause to motivate people into participating.

2.    The Rules
Every contest has rules and a Twitter contest will have them too. For a twitter contest, you will need to outlines how the contest will work, how the winner will be selected and all the other conditions of participation before the beginning of the contest.

3.    Great Prizes
Twitter people love contests because they love winning prizes. Here is a question that confuses most social media folk: should you give away one big prize (like an iPad) or a lot of smaller prizes (like lots of iPods)? We suggest several smaller prizes as they will prove to be an incentive for more and more people to join. You can also spread the contest over several days if you have multiple prizes. This will help you increase participation and retain the high engagement rate over several days.

4.    Promote
So you have a great hashtag, you’ve set the rules and the prize is very tempting. But how would the tweeple (slang for Twitter people) know about your wonderful contest if you don’t promote it? You need to create a buzz before launching the contest to let people know that an exciting contest is coming up. Make your promotion tweets catchy. The tweets before the launch of the contest should request retweets (Retweet this and let all your friends know of this exciting contest!); whereas the tweets at the closing end of the contest should focus on the urgency (5 minutes before we end this contest. Participate now!)

You can also get in touch with bloggers personally and ask them to participate in your contest to give it the necessary drive.


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