Thursday 12 February 2015

Client Case Study - Russian Network

Posted by Unknown on 02:28 with No comments
With growing numbers of Russian tourists and residents in Dubai, Cosmos dedicated network offers luxury brands the chance to reach this particular audience through several targeting channels such as Women/ Lifestyle, Business, Travel, Social…etc
UAE Unique Visitors : 360, 000
UAE Page Views/Impressions: 3.6 Million                       
Targeting: behavioral targeting and channel/category targeting

Wednesday 11 February 2015

Who’s Really Using Social Media in 2015 - Source

Posted by Unknown on 04:34 with 1 comment
How will the social landscape change over the next two years as social sharing and communication technologies continue to evolve? Data from eMarketer show which networks will continue to gain momentum, while others necessarily lose ground. But in spite of talk about Facebook killers, that behemoth and its top competitors are not going anywhere.

While Facebook continues to lead the market, mobile social networking is growing, where Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest and Tumblr are all significant players.

Here's a breakdown of how eMarketer predicts market share will change for different U.S. demographics for the top social nets over 2015 and 2016.

Monday 9 February 2015

Have A Yearning For Multi-Angled Videos? The Wait Is Over

Posted by Cosmos Star Consultant on 03:27 with 2 comments
Social media marketing is going to get a new avatar. This is so because there is going to be the birth of multi-angled videos.

Yes! You Will Be Able To Upload Videos with Multi-Angled Views:

YouTube has announced a novel feature this Wednesday. The feature is such that it allows users to upload videos with multiple camera angles. Viewers will then be able to toggle camera angles and that too on the fly. This all will happen while you watch the video!

What’s so special about this new feature?
It means that you will be now able to watch things differently. If you want to have a practical experience then watch the above video and you’ll know. In the video you’ll see a performance by Madilyn Bailey-the Titanium girl. What’s new in the video? Other than scintillating performance by Bailey, you’ll be able to view the video from 4 different angles!

Hence, it will make Social Media Marketing for companies more alluring. This mechanism when made public definitely has the potential to generate more views and therefore enhance the outcome of your social media strategies.

The wait is still on…for the rest:

For the rest we mean those living outside U.S for now. It’s because, this facility is currently available to only the desktop users in U.S.

Also currently, it is only Madilyn Bailey, the Titanium girl who currently uses the feature. She is an indie artist selected by YouTube for a test run.

However, Bailey is a polar singer having around 2 million YouTube subscribers. Her most popular videos include Titanium, which received close to 50 million views!

This feature when made public will definitely give birth to a new way to connect to your target audience. It will change the way social media marketing is done. It will enable people, companies, brands and artists to connect with their target customers and fans as much as possible. And the experience, let alone, will be incredible!

Are you looking to start or level-up your social media marketing services? Contact us. Also you can share your comments below.

Advantages of Mobile Advertising

Posted by Ranjit Shah on 03:08 with 27 comments
Mobile was once an afterthought in the advertising world — but today, brands are perking up and paying attention, as mobile is growing faster than all other digital advertising formats in the US. With new smartphone releases, most clients are developing a mobile strategy. And while advertisers agree the platform has a ways to go before they can develop a viable advertising strategy, more and more marketers want in on the mobile game.
The dilemma is that traditional methods of advertising often don't translate well on mobile — and there's far less screen space on mobile than desktop. It's clear that brands and advertisers will need to get creative in order to develop successful mobile strategies.

But BI Intelligence expects that this gap will narrow substantially, as enthusiasm grows for mobile-optimized ad formats (such as interactive rich media and native ads), as targeting improves, and more and more advertisers learn how to effectively use the platform.

In-app mobile ads perform much better than mobile web ads, and ad spend will likely follow performance and usage. In-app click-through rates averaged 0.56% globally compared to 0.23% for mobile web ads during the first half of the year, according to Medialets.

Ads on apps get much higher click-throughs than ads on the mobile Web: 0.58% on apps vs. only 0.23% on the mobile Web.
It’s worth noting that travel and entertainment ads do especially well, getting about a 60% higher click-through rate than ads for retail, automotive, and other categories. That’s probably no surprise, given that people are using smartphones on the go.