Tuesday 23 February 2016

Can Every Page Gain Traffic Year After Year?

Posted by Cosmos Star Consultant on 01:30 with 2 comments
Website pages may not garner traffic throughout the year, every year. However, most website pages can give way better results rather than being unindexed and forgotten in a few months or years. Here are some ways to make your web pages’ evergreen.

1. Create content that is search and reader friendly
The major fault with major SEO practices is the notion that evergreen content is that which appeals to users rather than search engines. You must have heads statements like, “Create content for readers and not search robots.”

However, get one thing clear that content can’t be evergreen unless it is indexed by search engines. After all search engines will only make your website appear in the search results for readers to read!

2. What’s the nub of evergreen content?

Yes, the whole idea that backs evergreen content is derived from relevancy. Relevancy to the readers, to the search engines.

However, relevancy can differ for different personality types. For instance, for a history-seeker, an old web page content might sound sense. On the other hand, it is irrelevant to one who seeks latest information. Therefore, you need to have a thorough understanding about your reader, your target market. In this way you’ll produce content that makes complete sense and lead to better output.

3. Is it fine if certain web page does not give evergreen results?

Yes, it is absolutely alright. You should know that upsurge in search volume for such content is worth the additional traffic during certain period of time. It may not last for years, but it brings in significant traffic during the time it lasts.

For instance, “2015 Best Practices for SEO” will become less important in 2016.
Contact our reliable SEO Dubai Company for any assistance.

Image Source: searchenginepeople.com